| 婦女雜誌, 第七卷第八號 | The ladies' journal, volume 7 issue 8 |
| 廣三鐵路局女職員全體攝影 | Group photograph of the women employees of the Guangsan Railroad bureau |
| 上海聖瑪麗女學校之五朔會 | Assembly of students of St. Mary's Girls' School in Shanghai |
| 英國皇后接受博士學位 | The queen of England receives a doctorate degree |
| 巴西外交界之花, 裨槎雪姊女士 | A socialite of Brazil's diplomatic circles, Thetis Pezas |
| 前駐英公使施肇基先生的女公子 | Daughter of the former envoy to Britain, Mr. Shi Zhaoji |
| 糖兒要討好於眾便害去他兩個指頭?給受篤的孩子 | |
| 記憶之城 | The land of memory |
| 他止住了笑聲凝視着她 | He paused and stared at her with chuckles |
| 露莎霞雪和小茀蘭慈 | Lushaxiaxue and Xiaofulanci |
| 奇怪的山薯和紅蘿萄 | Strange potato and carrot |
| 穿紙衣的人 | A person wearing paper garments |
| 心之趣談 | An amusing story about the heart |
| 一, 用X 光照臉牡蠣的情; 二, 在X光下的牡蠣 | X-rays of oysters |
| 鱗粉扇製作法 | How to make a fan of scales |
| 頭髮的衛生和美容 | The hygienic care and styling of hair |
| 益智圖補圖 | Puzzles to exercise the mind |