No. 120 (15 November, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
北平王志敏女士與徐秀容女士Ms. Wang Zhimin and Ms. Xu Xiurong from Beiping
上海婦女服務社Shanghai women´s service association
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
山西女子網球選手:(右)王春菁、(左)王春葳Women tennis players from Shanxi: (right) Wang Chunjing, (left) Wang Chunwei
北平選手離京之一部份Parts of the participants from Beijing leaving the capital
廣州市立女師籃球隊為全市籃球勁旅Guangzhou women´s basketball team is a strong team in the whole city
山西女子網球皇后王春葳女士之近影Recent photo of the tennis queen Ms. Wang Chunwei from Shanxi
常識Common Knowledge
法律顧問Legal Counsel
遊山玩水:溪畔凝思:粵中山大學音樂教員楊志韻女士Excursion in the nature: Lost in thought by the creek: Ms. Yang Zhiyun, music teacher of Guangdong Zhongshan University
遊山玩水:中山公園中之知用女中學生梁劍英女士Excursion in the nature: Ms. Liang Jianying, student of Zhiyong Girls´ Secondary School in Zhongshan Park
林璐璐女士Ms. Lin Lulu
歇歇吧!Have a rest!
工部局女中及小學運動會於上月廿七日假虹口公園舉行各校(共六校)學生不下千五百人熙熙攘攘勝極一時The sports meeting of the girls´ secondary schools and elementary schools of the Municipal Committee were held on the 27th. last month in Hongkou Park. There were no less than thousand five hundred students of all the schools (six schools altogether), busily and lively in full flourish
全國女童子軍整隊在鎮江遊行The whole national girl scouts are parading in Zhenjiang
女生之競走扶足Girl supporting herself on the feet in the walking race
女中學生之喫香蕉Girl student eating the banana
幼稚班小同學表演遊戲:左立者為女教員Small kindergarten kids performing the game: the woman teaching is standing on the left
天津南開中學學生靳淑荃女士之兩種面目:在體育場休息Two sides of the student of Tianjing Nankai Secondary School Ms. Jing Shuquan: resting in the stadium
天津南開中學學生靳淑荃女士之兩種面目:穿好大衣出外訪友Two sides of the student of Tianjing Nankai Secondary School Ms. Jing Shuquan: visiting friends in coat
陳歐生女士坐在臺階上望著那遠遠的地方許多人在跳著跑著Ms. Chen Ousheng is sitting on the step, looking into the distance, where many people are jumping and running
兩個網球場上的健將經過一番戰爭以後合拍一張照表示他們友誼仍舊是很好的Two tennis players are taking a photo together after the fight on the court to show their friendship still remaining good
體育場中之健兒藍滌清女士The skilled athlete in the sports field Ms. Lan Diqing
湖南體育界宿將沈淑君女士The experienced athlete Ms.Shen Shujun in the Hunan sports world
花木間之熊先蓬女士Ms. Xiong Xianpeng in the trees and flowers
終日過著原始人生活之蠻女The women barbarian who are living a primitive life all the time
戶外遊覽:公園中之姊妹們Excursion: Sisters in the park
戶外遊覽:蕭美真女士匆忙作家書Excursion: Ms. Xiao Meizhen is hurriedly writing a letter to the family
吳月娟女士為人簽名Ms. Wu Yuejuan is giving her autograph
女子體育界南北相對之兩顆紅星:(右)久負盛名之孫桂雲女士、(左)美人魚之楊秀瓊小姑娘Two stars of the women sports world, coming repectively from the north and the south: (right) Ms. Sun Guiyun who enjoys long her reputation, (left) the "mermaid" young girl Miss Yang Xiuqiong
河南女師體育指導祁雲琴女士The sports instructor of Henan women normal school Ms. Qi Yunqin
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
大眼姑娘瓊克勞馥為米高梅之台柱The big-eye girl Joan Crawford: the mainstay of MGM
美國嘉寶卡撒玲赫賓在新片“朝露”中之裝束Appearance of Garbo? Katharine Hepburn from America in the new film "Morning Glory"
電影明星陳燕燕女士Movie star Ms. Chen Yanyan