No. 065 (31 August, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
智仁勇汪美會潘恬士合影Group photo of Wang Meihui and Pan Tianshi from Zhirenyong (Intelligence, Humanity and Courage)
智仁勇李素榮女士近影Recent photo of Ms Li Surong from Zhirenyong (Intelligence, Humanity and Courage)
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常識Common knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
王潔女士Ms Wang Jie
新秋時裝Fashion at the beginning of autumn
吳明珠曹旦等之合影Group photo of Wu Mingzhu, Cao Dan and the others.
福建閩北公立中學學生表演“蝶戀花”The performance of "Butterflies love Flowers" by students from Fujian Minbei public middle school
笑容可掬Full of smiles
廣州女生旅行名勝留影Souvenir photo taken when the female students from Guangzhou were visiting the scenic spot
廣州女生游北平時之合影Group photo taken when the female students from Guangzhou were visiting Beiping
小弟弟騎木馬The little younger brother is riding a wood horse
高橋戲浴Paddling at Gaoqiao
小軍人A little soldier
小妹妹A little younger sister
米高梅電影女星貌麗烏沙利文Maureen O'Sullivan, the female movie star from MGM
環球公司出品Fast Companion中之三要角Three main characters in Fast Companion produced by Qiu company
女星海浴後在大傘下休息A female star is resting under a big umbrella after taking a bath in the sea
拍拉蒙女星佛蘭錫第與男星斯蒂華歐因在海濱時之合影Group photo of the female star Frances Dee and the male star Stuart Erwin from Paramount on the beach
烏髮著名男女星威廉弗裡趣與麗莉恩哈凡兩情脈脈的攝影Photo of the famous male and female stars Willy Fritsch and Lilian Harvey from "A Blonde Dream" deeply in love
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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拍拉蒙女星弗哀華雷的夏裝The summer dress of Fu'aihualei, the female star from Pailameng
中國女星黎莉莉近影Recent photo of the Chinese female star Li Lili