No. 064 (24 August, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
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靜 廣東省立女師之校景Tranquility, the campus of Guangdong Provincial Women's Normal School
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常識Common knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
上海幼稚師範張貞淑女士Ms Zhang Zhenshu of Shanghai School of Childhood Education
輕爽的校服A light school uniform
徐寶玲女士 (立) 徐佩玲女士 (坐)Ms Xu Baoling (standing) Ms Xu Peiling (sitting)
好動又善交際之孫謹懷女士Ms Sun Jinhuai who is active and sociable
注重體育之袁靜怡女士Ms Yuan Jingyi who pays attention to sports
庭前小立 林碧英女士Ms Lin Biying standing in the courtyard
徐女士台前亭立Ms Xu standing gracefully in the balcony
[......]女士近影A recent photo of Ms. ?
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詩境A poetic background
花女Flower girl
福建人和女學表演"三蝴蝶"與"因為你"之攝影The photos of the performance of "Three Butterflies" and "Because of You" by students from Fujian Renhe girls' school
男性見女性有如餓狼餓虎Men are like hungry wolves and tigers when they see women
中國女星陳玉梅在銀幕上之表演The acting of the Chinese female star Chen Yumei on the screen
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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電器打字機The electrical typewriter
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拍拉蒙小女星蜜脫齊格林在帆船上活潑的姿勢The lively posture of the little female star Mituoqigelin from Pailameng in a sailing boat
(右) 德國女星露茜罷孫奈的嬌容(Right) the delicate look of the German female star Luxi Basunnai