Funü Shibao
No. 007 (10 July, 1912)
Pages available: 1 - 120 (120 total)
婦女時報七號Funü shibao Issue7
韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
劉尊賢君Mr. Liu Zunxian
福建魏淑姞女士/ 前清閩省船政局監督魏瀚君之女公子/ 泥城橋西民影照相拍Ms. Wei Shuji/ Daughter of Wei Han, director of the marine department of the former Qing / Photo taken by Minying Studio at Nichengqiao xi
趙月潭君與張愛墨女士 (張叔和君第六女公子)文明結婚攝影Photo of the new-styled wedding of Mr. Zhao Yuetan and Ms. Zhang Aimo (the sixth daughter of Mr. Zhang Shuhe)
吳偉臣君與沈鳳梧女士新婚雙影/ 大馬路泥城橋民影照相攝影Wedding photo of Mr. Wu Weichen and Ms. Shen Fengwu/ The photo was taken by Minying Studio at Nichengqiao at the Main street
榮慶眷屬改漢裝前攝影以留紀念者A commemorative photo of the wives of Rong Qing before [they] switched to [wearing] Han clothing
日本王妃手製山水縮景/ 小盆景A miniature landscape hand made by the Japanese princess/ a small bonsai
張園賽珍會場攝影/ 賽珍會場女子手工處之女客Photos taken at the product exposition at Zhangyuan/ Women visiting the women's crafts pavilion
張園賽珍會場攝影/ 遊客之啜茗Photos taken at the product exposition at Zhangyuan/ Visitors drinking tea
張園賽珍會場攝影/ 賣花之女郎Photos taken at the product exposition at Zhangyuan - Girls selling flowers
時裝之後影Photo of the back of a fashionable [lady]
時式裝束之女子A woman in new fashion
雅芳女史Ms. Yafang
雅芳女史畫秋棠Autumn begonias painted by Ms. Yafang
費曉樓畫紅樓夢 (凹晶館聯吟圖)A scene from the Dreams of the Red Chamber painted by Bi Xiaolou (Linking verse at Aojingguan)
前清頤和園內張掛之西湖全圖Panoramic painting of the West Lake, [it] used to be hung in Yiheyuan of the former Qing
中將湯 / The Chujoto TsumuraThe Chujoto Tsumura
解百勒商標麥精魚肝油Kepler' Solution Cod Liver Oil [in English]
克立司推白潘葛司女士演說圖Ms. Christabel Pankhurst giving a speech
潘葛司夫人被執圖Mrs. Pankhurst under arrest
女子參政會員囚服巡行街市圖Members of the women's suffrage society [Women's Social and Political Union] demonstrated on the street wearing prisoners' clothing
潘葛司夫人屈司莽夫人及克立司推白潘葛司女士入獄圖Mrs. [Emmeline] Pankhurst, Mrs. Drummond and Ms. Christabel Pankhurst going to prison
女子參政會員出獄圖Members of the Women's Suffrage Society being released from prison
意大利皇帝及后車中之攝影Photo of the Italian King and Queen taken in their car
意大利太子及公主之攝影Photo of the Italian princes and princesses
A.C. Doyle
no caption
上海風景跑馬總會Shanghai scenery: Shanghai Race Club
上海風景外大橋Shanghai scenery: the grand bridge
上海風景二洋涇橋Shanghai scenery: No. 2 Yangjing bridge
上海風景安塏[第]洋房Shanghai scenery: Arcadia Hall
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兜安氏養生靈藥Doan's Elixir of Life