| 自醫學觀之良妻賢母主義 譯日本「太陽」雜誌 | Ideology of being a good wife and mother, views on self study of medicine Translated from Japanese magazine 'Sunshine' |
| 論今日娶妾者之心理及所以禁之之道 | On concubines today, their psychological [state] that prevents their path {advancement} |
| 婦女界園藝學之一種 | One type of women's horticulture |
| 未足月產出之嬰兒保護法 譯美國婦女雜誌 | Methods of protecting premature babies Translated from American Ladies' Journal |
| 食物之成分及其任務(續) | The ingredients and tasks [related to] food |
| 呼吸病之新治療法 | New therapies for respiratory diseases |
| 摘棉細工(附圖) | Picking cotton for delicate work (with images) |
| 家庭工業(續) | Cottage industry (continued) |
| 難病之治療法 | Methods of therapies for incurable diseases |
| 蠅 | Flies |
| 小兒疾病治療法(續) | Pediatric disease treatment methods (continued) |
| 縫紉省節法 | Methods of sewing to economize and save |
| 妊娠之確徵譯美國慈母雜誌 | Clear evidence of pregnancy Translated from the Warm Caring Mother magazine |
| 改良育蠶與女界之責任 | The responsibility of women to improve the education [about] silkworms |
| 治家四要(續) | The four most imporant things for homemakers (continued) |
| 雪宦繡譜(附圖) | Xue Huan (style/method of) embroidery table |
| 婦孺醫話 | Medical talk [for] women and children |
| 敬告有低能兒之家庭 | Announcement for families [who] have mentally challenged children |
| 新西蘭島之育兒政策(附圖)譯英倫雜誌七月號 | New Zealand parenting policies (with image) Translated from July issue [of] British journal |
| 記興安節婦曾王氏創立女學校概略(附圖) | From Xing'an country, Xing'an founder of girls' school Zeng Wangshi (with images) |
| 大阪遊記 | Travelogue from Osaka |
| 女界要聞 | Women in the news |
| 賀曉江妻張安人傳 | Biography of wife He Xiaojiang Zhang An |
| 湯貞婦傳 | Biography of chaste woman Tang |
| 亡妹中方壙志銘 | Engraved tombstone on the death of Mei Zhongfang |
| 王妣杜孺人墓志銘 | Memorial inscription upon the death of Old wife Wang Bidu |
| 施學詩先生四十生辰徵詩文啟 | To begin Mr. Shi Xueshi 40th birthday poetry and literature |
| 詩五首 | Five poems |
| 詩五首 | Five poems |
| 詩五首 | Five poems |
| 詩五首 | Five poems |
| 九原可作(續) | |