| 不滅的青春底希望 | The inextinguishable hope of youth |
| 我對於接吻表示 | My opinion on kissing |
| 男子的玩意兒 | Men's plaything |
| 新女子應有之準備 | New women's essential preparation |
| 青春的危機 | The crisis of youth |
| 如何對付未婚夫 (續) | How to tackle your fiancé (continued) |
| 我的丈夫觀 | My opinion on husband |
| 出嫁 | Getting married |
| 沉醉的青春 | Intoxicated Youth |
| 希望男子分居 | Hoping that a man could live away from (his parents') home |
| 不要刨黃瓜兒 | Don't be a fool/ Don't end up being called cucumber |
| 我夢實現時 | When My Dreams Come True |
| 腰線美的力量 | The power of the beauty of waistline |
| 敷粉也是藝術 | Applying powder (Doing Makeup) is also an art |
| 血染征塵 | Fighting Caravans |
| 琵琵出浴 | Bebe (Daniels) getting out of the bath |
| 吉爾勃之犧牲 | (John) Gilbert's sacrifice |
| 愛迪夸侖的消遣 | Aidi Kualun's pastime |
| 以泰音樂 | Music From the Ether |
| 開到冷落處 | Driving to an unfrequented place |
| 到瑞士去 | Go to Switzerland |
| 嘉寶自殺 | Garbo's suicide |
| 好萊塢的"肉" | Hollywood's "Flesh" |