No. 120 (15 November, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
上海婦女服務社Shanghai Women´s Service Association
本期要目Important contents of this issue
談首都將開放娼禁Talk about the ban on prostitution will be opened in the capital
家用的分配和預算The distribution and budget of family expenses
上海的白色妓奴(上)The white slave prostitute in Shanghai (Part 1)
結婚戒指的歷史與傳說(上)The history and legends of marriage ring (Part 1)
給失戀的朋友To those who are disappointed in love
我現在是處女嗎?Am I a virgin now?
家姑對我的態度My mother-in-law´s attitude towards me
柴灰之利用The use of firewood ashes
利用碎玻璃The use of splintered glass
擦銅床法Method of cleaning the cooper bed
天然花露香蜜Natural flower honey
蚌漿水可治湯潑傷及火傷Oyster slurry can cure the scald by hot soup and the burn
鼻頭上的粉刺The acne on the nose
肩部肥厚可厭The annoying thick fat shoulders
法律顧問:索還庚帖Legal Counsel: Asking for the engagement contract back
法律顧問:父在析產Legal Counsel: Dividing property when the father is still alive
讀者來函Letter from the readers
乞巧Seven sisters (festival)
寫給少女們(下)To girls (Part 2)
給朋友劍英姑娘To friend Miss Jianying
少女拒婚為尼Girls refuse marriage an to be nuts
舞會花絮Titbits of the party
婦女服務社跳舞會記The party record of the Women´s Service Association
兒童之飲食和衛生Children´s diet and hygiene
好萊塢花絮Hollywood Titbits
兩週間中外新片等級Ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
上海之外片勢力The forces of foreign films in Shanghai
國片界大小事情Titbits of the domestic movie world
米高梅再拍“大地”M-G-M will film "The Good Earth" again
盧根之大損失:三部片子一部可映Lugen´s huge loss: one of the three films could be on
電影界閒話Gossips in the movie world