| 廣東代表團以錢行素 | Guangdong delegation chooses Qian Xingsu |
| 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
| 全運會與我國女子之將來 | National Games and the future of Chinese Women |
| 特刊前言 | preface of the special issue |
| 全運女子各錦標詳記(附表) | detailed records of each female championship in National Games (with tables) |
| 大會花絮(一) | highlights of the games (1) |
| 全國運動會女子田徑賽總成績 | the total score of female track and field in the National Games |
| 全運女田徑論英雄:錢行素馬驥李媛芬張潔瓊 | women athletics heroes in National Games: Qian Xingsu, Ma Ji, Li Yuanfen, Zhang Jieqong |
| 大會花絮(二) | highlights of the games (2) |
| 全運各單位女選手之小分析 | small analysis of each units of female athletes in National Games |
| 十九年(杭州)全運女子結果 | female results of 19 years in National Games (Hangzhou) |
| 水陸女將素描 | Sketch of female athletes on land and in water |
| 談談女子游泳比賽 | talking about female swimming competition |
| 女子游泳各項成績表 | table of results in female swimming |
| 大會花絮(三) | highlights of the games (3) |
| 編輯者言 | |
| 本屆女子田徑成績與全國及世界紀錄之比較 | |
| 全運女選手精神 | spirits of female athletes in National Games |
| 第十屆遠東我國女子田徑游泳理想隊 | Tenth chinese dream team in female athletic and swimming of far east |
| 男子各項錦標結果(附錄一) | results of each male championship (appendix 1) |
| 男子全能新紀錄 | all-around new record of men |
| 男子打破紀錄之項目(附錄二) | male record breaking project (appendix 2) |
| 田徑女健將錢行素 | Female athletic Qian Xingsu |
| 育兒應注意的幾點 | Several points to be noticed by child rearing |
| 全運破紀錄女選手由本刊一律贈閱玲瓏雜誌 | record-breaking female athletes in National Games will all get Lionglong Magazine from us |
| 鑰匙(上) | The key |
| 兩週間中外新片等級 | ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks |
| 好萊塢花絮 | Titbits of Hollywood |
| 參觀全運會黎莉莉蒙不白之冤 | Li Lili suffers injustice while visiting the National Games |
| 全運會之副收穫拍了許多新聞片 | Deputy harvest of the National Games, having taken a lot of newsreel |
| 游泳選手楊秀瓊女士 | Swimmer Ms. Yang Xiuqiong |