No. 064 (24 August, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
本期要目Important contents of this issue
怎樣鉗制男性How to control men
女子教育之重要The importance of women's education
新婚的第一夜The first night of a newly married couple
當心假的火車票Beware of false train tickets
一個自由女子A free woman
男子的行為Men's behavior
如何解決How to solve this
不務正業的丈夫A husband who doesn't attend to his proper duties
父母代訂婚事My parents made the marriage decision for me
西宴禮節需知What one needs to know about the Western dining etiquette
塗脂搽粉之害The harm of putting on make-up
孕婦的衛生 (上)The hygiene of pregnant women (part one)
舊珍珠變新法How to make old pearls as new as before
店夥被害The helper of a shop was killed
索還項費Being asked for the money back
結婚儀式Wedding ceremony
脫離妍婦Separation from..
遺產分析The division of inheritance
游泳對於兒童之益The benefits of swimming for children
姑惜兒女的結果The result of indulging one's children
醫生侮辱女性 處女問題兩度迫令檢驗The doctor insulted the woman. He forced her to get her virginity tested twice
贊助兒子重婚He supported the bigamy of his son
吞刀怪人幾乎喪命The knife-swallowing eccentric almost lost his life
不景氣影響鴿子The depression influences pigeons
老鼠做朋友He made friends with a mouse
一個女學生的自白The confession of a female student
科學常識 電氣打字機Common knowledge in science, the electrical typewriter
無線電五"不"Five "nos" about radio
無線電控制無人軍艦A unmanned warship is controlled by wireless
編輯者言Editor´s Note
凍僵了的腳The feet become numb with cold
影戲觀眾目光大變 肉感風流不能動人The taste of film audience has greatly changed. The sexy and the amorous can not arouse one's feelings
古怪的名字An odd name
嘉寶行蹤祕密 神秘女郎大弄虛玄The whereabouts of Jiabao is secret. The mysterious lady makes a great mystery
我們從今天做起We start it from this day onwards