Funü Shibao
No. 007 (10 July, 1912)
Pages available: 1 - 120 (120 total)
婦女時報第七期目錄Funü shibao Issue no.7 Table of Contents
美國婦女之選舉權Women's suffrage in the United States
泰晤士河畔女子要求參政之怒潮Protest to demand women's suffrage along the banks of the Thames [London, United Kingdom]
女子爭參政權當以自修為基礎Self-cultivation should be the basis of women's struggle for suffrage
意大利皇后The Italian Queen
選擇玩具與兒童教育On choosing toys and children's eductation
歐美各國婦人月旦Comments about women in various countries in Europe and the United States
鬚髯與婦人Facial hair and women
乳齒之衛生Hygiene for children's teeth
康得黎夫人書簡Letters of Mrs. Cantlie
俾司麥克夫人勃德堪瑪小傳Biography of Puttkamer, wife of Bismarck
加里波的夫人小傳 (有名之女丈夫雅尼達)Biography of Mrs. [Giuseppe] Garibaldi (the famous woman Anita)
婦女同性之愛情Same-sex love among women
美國大總統羅斯福夫人 (前妻愛儷斯黎後妻藹德斯)Wives of the American president Roosevelt ([his] first wife Alice Lee, second wife Edith Carow)
孕婦之飲食衛生談On healthy eating for pregnant women
說女子參政之理由The reasons for women's suffrage
女子參政之裨益The benefits of women's suffrage
滬上擬 設妓女學校論On the proposed plan to open a school for prostitutes in Shanghai
禽磯之巾幗英雄Heroines of the animal world
閩南婦人之職業Women's occupations in southern Fujian
遊陶然亭記A visit to Taoran Pavilion
高女士令融于歸頌辭A speech to celebrate the marriage of Ms. Gao Lingrong
孫迪芳女士小傳Biography of Ms. Sun Difang
南通縣女子職業談Women's occupations in Nantong County
軍人之戀The love of a soldier
無名之女俠The nameless female knight-errant
紹興婚嫁之風俗Marriage customs in Shaoxing
綰春樓詞話Notes on song lyrics of Wanchun lou
辛亥冬十月從赤十字社重過金陵劫後山川風景頓殺撫今追昔感觸萬端聊賦四絕以記盛衰Following the Red Cross in the tenth month of Xinhai [November or December, 1911], I passed Nanjing again. After the calamity, the landscape was littered with [corpses]. To bring comfort to the present and reflect the myriad feelings from the past, I have written four fu to record the [glories and defeats]
弔起義諸烈士Mourning martyrs of the Revolution
春日即事Poems about spring
曉起Waking up at dawn
課餘After school
眺雪Watching the snow
讀史記感賦二截Two poems composed after reading Shiji [Records of the Grand Historian ]
月夜泊京口作Composed when entering Beijing on a moon-lit night
編輯室Editor's office
讀者俱樂部Readers' club
秋郊Autumn in the countryside
秋夜An autumn night
月蝕口占A poem composed orally [on the night of a] lunar eclipse
婦女與實業Women and industry [career?]