Funü Shibao
No. 012 (10 January, 1914)
Pages available: 1 - 120 (120 total)
總發行所上海四馬路五洲大藥房/ 女界寶/ 滋陰養血安胎保產Distributor Wuzhou pharmacy on No.4 Road, Shanghai/ Nüjiebao/ Helping blood production, nurturing and enhancing health during pregnancy
各學校鑒/習字之好模範To all schools: good exemplary calligraphy
原本紅樓夢/ 原本聊齋誌異Original copy of Dream of Red Chamber/ Original copy of Strange Tales from a Rustic Studio
行草大字典Dictionary of running and grass scripts
新出版書畫/上海有正書局發行Newly released books and art albums/ published by Youzheng bookstore of Shanghai
軟弱病婦絕妙靈丹The most miraculous medicine for weak and sick women
中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] first-rate product
民影照相館廣告/價目單Price list of the Minying photo studio
固髓汁/ 血中血/ 益肺露Medicine for bone/ Medicine for blood/ Medicine for lung
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry)
上海亨達利洋行Jewellery at Shanghai Hengdeli Company
夏士蓮雪花Hazeline Snow
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖價目Pricelist of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
全國學堂影相Photographs of schools from across China
艷籢花影Photographs of beautiful courtesans [dressing cases from the flower world]
秋波小影冊子Album of photographs of lovers
海上驚鴻影Photographs of [graces of Shanghai]
有正書局各種書籍發行Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
一家治癒二人/ 修道院藥子膏醫治祖孫喘咳之症Cured two people in a family/ Medicine from the monastery cured coughing symptoms of the grandfather and the grandson
保腎丸手到病除The kidney pills cure illnesses immediately