Funü Shibao
No. 009 (25 February, 1913)
Pages available: 1 - 132 (132 total)
每月須受七日慘苦[She] had to endure seven days of pain every month
中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] first-rate product
上海利華洋行廣告Advertisement for Shanghai Lihua company
中國醒了/ 能增君之進款者其唯此機乎/ 無論住之遠近/ 君亦欲學他人每日賺三元乎China has awakened! You can increase your income by using this machine. No matter where you live, you can earn 3 dollars a day like everyone else.
愛蘭百利代乳粉The "Allenburys" Foods
國民注意看看三星牌牙粉Attention fellow citizens! Look, [it is] Three star brand tooth powder
化學精研鹿頭牌牙粉Fine chemical formulation: deer brand tooth powder
本行縫衣機/與眾不能比/順倒皆可做/節時又省費The sewing machines of our company/ cannot be matched others/ it could work forward or backward / saving time and money
上海亨達利洋行準時計/ 清醒鏡Watches and Eye Glasses at Shanghai Hengdeli Company
上海亨達利洋行準時計/ 清醒鏡Watches and Eye Glasses at Shanghai Hengdeli Company
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of denturing)
夏士蓮玫瑰霜Hazeline Rose Frost
有正書局發行各種碑帖價目Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種碑帖墨跡價目Pricelist of ink rubbings and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種墨跡價目Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術圖畫價目Pricelist of art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種書籍發行Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種發行書籍Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
大滌子山水冊Landscape album by Dadizi [Shi Tao]
時裝仕女新信箋New letter papers printed with images of new fashion
顧西眉仕女人物六冊Six volumes of paintings of women bu Gu Ximei
上海新髻式信箋New letter papers printed with images of new hair styles from Shanghai
吳墨井畫王石谷小影留耕圖Copy of Wang Shigu's painting of a field by Wu Mojing
兜安氏秘製保腎丸Special formula backache kidney pills by Doans