| 林譯小說 | Fiction by Lin Zhe |
| 函授學社國語科 | Mandarin language instruction through correspondence education |
| 國音國語書 | Textbooks on the national standard pronunciation of Mandarin |
| 函授學社英文科第四屆案掲曉 | English language instruction through correspondence education |
| 愛西湖者注意, 西湖遊覽指南 | Attention those who love the West Lake: The West Lake tour guidebook |
| 第五次遠東運動會活動影片 | Moving picture of the Fifth annual Far Eastern sports meet |
| 閣下有幾位公子 | |
| 舌苔如何 | |
| 搜羅古今名人書畫用新法印成紈扇摺扇 | Collecting antiqque and contemporary folding fans with callgraphy by famous hands |
| Lavol | |
| 治病眼 Lavolho | |
| 錢廉江, 陳南樓 書畫合冊 | A combined volume of calligraphy and paintings by Qian Lianjiang and Chen Nanlou |
| 教育部審定, 新法教科書, 批詞一覽, 民國學校之部, 高等小學校之部 | New law textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education |
| 上海涵芬樓收買舊書, 工藝參攷書, 國民道德談, 女子心理學, ?世文柬指南, 中國國際條約義務論, 德華對照讀本, 正刖德文讀本 | Hanfenlou in Shanghai seeing old books |