No. 113 (04 October, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
雙十節日請注意本刊出版之雙十健康專號,內容注重女子健康,圖文精彩,並附送"產前須知"一厚冊(一百頁左右),價目照舊不加。Attention on our Double-Tenth Day issue of Health specially planned for the Double-Tenth Day. The content is about women's health. There are interesting pictures and text in it. An additional gift for buying the issue is a thick book "Must-knows before giving birth" (about 100 pages). The price stays the same.
本刊徵求愛讀玲瓏的姊妹們照片,歡迎投登,刊出後酌酬本誌。(編者)Our journal welcomes pictures of our female readers. You will get a certain amount of payment once they are published. (your editors)
美容顧問Beauty Adviser
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
長期贈閱玲瓏雜誌、攝影畫報、 婦女日報,完全免費之辦法ways to be long-term free subscribers to the Linglong Magazine, the Pictorial Weekly and the Women's Daily.
法律顧問Legal Counsel
定報價目The subscription price
廣告刊例Published examples of advertisement
玲瓏彙刊廉售Linglong Collections on sale
補取"玲瓏"之良機a good chance to order old issues of Linglong
嬌滴指甲用品,情人的禮物Joy Dip Nail Product
空前婦女大觀:閨秀影集An Extraordinary Show of Women's Portraits: Album of Elegant Ladies
女學生所受隱痛之自述A self-account of her hidden pain by a female student.
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
案件評述Comment on Law Cases
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
鴻翔公司十七週紀念,舉行中西仕女時裝表演展覽大會The Hongxiang Company is going to held a fashion show on ladies' wear on the occassion of its 17th anniversary.
美美公司自製服裝:禮服、大衣、便裝Clothes manufactured by the Meimei Company: Formal Clothes, Coat, Casual Wear.
美美公司自製皮夾Wallet Produced by the Meimei Company