No. 074 (16 November, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 56 (56 total)
第一期封面畫猜謎?The Riddle on the Cover of the First Issue
重金徵求街頭漫畫 籌資從豐Large Founding Offered for Street Comics, Good Pay.
招請各埠代銷本刊現減低批價,招請各埠代銷,函索章程即贈。(南京路五十六號)Looking for Sale Agents in Every Port for Our Magazine and the Wholesale Price is Reduced. Looking for Sale Agents in Every Port. The Regulations Will be Sent upon Request per Mail.
電影空前明星影片大選舉A Big Election of Unrivaled Movie Stars and Films
案件評述Comment on Law Cases
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
玲瓏圖畫雜誌Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
定報價目The subscription price
廣告刊例Published examples of advertisement
傑克鋼琴專家 烏爾曼教授The Professional Pianist from Czech, Professor Ulmann