Funü Shibao
No. 011 (20 October, 1913)
Pages available: 1 - 126 (126 total)
女界寶婦女界中之至寶也Nüjiebao - [it is] the most precious thing for women indeed
鄭統領如何得償心願How Commader Zheng got what he wanted
中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] first-rate product
固髓汁/ 血中血/ 益肺露Medicine for bone/ Medicine for blood/ Medicine for lung
現銀鉅價採辦精園饅園各種珍珠寶石貴重物品Cash for all kinds of precious stone, pearl, and luxury goods
[No Chinese title]China needs your help/ you can serve
泥城橋西首民影照相價目單Price list of the Minying photo studio at the Nichengqiao west
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry)
上海亨達利洋行Jewellery at Shanghai Hengdeli Company
解百勒商標麥精魚肝油'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract
有正書局發行各種碑帖價目Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種墨跡價目Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種碑帖墨跡價目Pricelist of ink rubbings and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術圖畫價目Pricelist of art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種書籍價目Pricelist of books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種書籍價目Pricelist of books published by Youzheng Bookstore
平等閣筆記上下二冊Jottings from the Pingdeng study, volumes 1 and 2
有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
秋波小影冊子Album of photographs of lovers
艷籢花影Photographs of beautiful courtesans [dressing cases from the flower world]
海上驚鴻影Photographs of [graces of Shanghai]
全國學堂影相Photographs of schools from across China
有正書局各種書籍發行Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
平等閣詩話一二卷合本Notes on poetry from the Pingdeng studio, bound edition of volumes 1 and 2
有正書局各種發行書籍Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
上海名醫修道院膏子藥證明書Testimonials for the famous medicine from the monastery in Shanghai
腎病問題Kidney problem