Funü Shibao
No. 008 (25 September, 1912)
Pages available: 1 - 122 (122 total)
人造自來血救貧血症之良藥Artificial blood - a great medicine for curing anemia
著名中西醫士證明韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸有治疾之奇功Famous Chinese and Western doctors testify to the special curing power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] high quality product
中國醒了/ 能增君之進款者其唯此機乎/ 無論住之遠近/ 君亦欲學他人每日賺三元乎China has awakened! You can increase your income by using this machine. No matter where you live, you can earn 3 dollars a day like everyone else.
上海中西大藥房謹識Shanghai zhongxi pharmacy announced
上海亨達利洋行準時計/ 清醒鏡Watches and Eye Glasses at Shanghai Hengdeli Company
上海亨達利洋行準時計/ 準時計Watches and Eye Glasses at Shanghai Hengdeli Company
別福牛汁鐵精酒Bivo beef and iron wine
有正書局各種美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種書籍發行Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種發行書籍Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種碑帖價目Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種碑帖墨跡價目Pricelist of ink rubbings and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種墨跡價目Pricelist of ink rubbings and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種書籍價目Pricelist of books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種書籍價目Pricelist of books published by Youzheng Bookstore
兜安氏霍亂吐瀉聖藥Doan's medicine for cholera and diarrhea
鹿頭牌牙粉Deer brand tooth powder